Don't know why you would call it ugly?

I don't know why you would call it ugly?  I am talking about the title of the article in the Missourian electronic publication on February 15th.  Vashon traveled to Columbia Hickman and came away with a 65-31 victory.  It had to be a thing of beauty for Wolverine fans but I guess the local editor thought it was ugly.  That was the title of the nice column by a student journalist but I think the editor probably retitled it.  You can check it out here:

I have been guilty of being negative at times.  You try not to be because these high school kids are trying really hard to be their best.  I hate to see the Missourian belittling the Hickman players with the title "Hickman boys basketball drops ugly game to Vashon".  What did they expect?  The Vashon team is the best in Missouri and one the best in the country.  Hickman should have lost by 33 in my ratings but they got beat by 35.  Not a bad day against the best team around.  If they had any sense at Hickman, they wouldn't schedule a game like that and put their kids through that kind of experience.  On the other hand, how do you get better if you don't play the best teams?  I thought the article was a nice piece minus the title.  Vashon fans would probably disagree.  Like I said, it was another game of beauty for them.

Speaking of ugly... I occasionally see articles or video of fights on the court by players, coaches, fans and, even competing cheer leading squads.  Sometimes that anger is directed at the guys in stripes, bless their souls.  I have a good friend in Maryland who was a professor at University of Maryland and has reffed for the past 20 years at D-3 women and high school games around Annapolis.  He has seen it all and he sent me a little memo from his supervisor about things to keep in mind for the rest of the season.  When I read it, I thought, WOW!  All of that responsibility during a high paced, emotion filled game of basketball.  I am going to post it below and I want you to think twice before you yell at a ref at the next game.  I wouldn't do it (ref or yell), would you?

Also below are my predictions from last week with the actual spread.  I didn't get any wrong although some of the spreads are larger or smaller than my ratings would predict.  100%.  Check it out.  I didn't see a Staley vs. Park Hills South score.  More key games coming up this week with Vashon and CBC, Eureka and McCluer, Trinity and McCluer and CBC and De Smet, among others.

2/13 McCluer over Parkway Central by 30 17
2/13 Cardinal Ritter over Tolton by 6 9
2/13 St. Elizabeth over Linn by 11 24
2/14 CBC over SLUH by 22 14
2/14 De Smet over Vianney by 25 7
2/14 Mehlville over Oakville by 28 11
2/14 Francis Howell over FHN by 40 69
2/14 Staley over Park Hill South by 6
2/14 Liberty KC over Lee's Summit by 21 11
2/14 Grandview (KC) over Grain Valley by 18 15
2/14 Cape Girardeau Central over Sikeston by 14 12
2/14 Raytown South over Smithville by 45 21
2/14 Blair Oaks over Jeff City by 19 31
2/14 Father Tolton Catholic over Borgia by 10 8
2/14 Greenwood (Spgfld) over Chadwick by 40 27
2/14 Hartville over New Covenant by 34 51
2/14 Skyline over Strafford by 13 7
2/14 Thayer over Cabool by 36 25
2/14 South Iron over Lesterville by 23 5
2/14 Dora over Norwood by 32 30
2/14 Platte Valley/Jefferson (Conc. Junct.) over Nodaway Holt by 77 47
2/15 Chaminade over Miller Career by 21 40
2/15 Vashon over Hickman by 35 34
2/18 Vashon over CBC by 3
2/18 McCluer over Eureka by 7
2/19 Trinity over McCluer by 6
2/20 Vashon over Hazelwood Central by 25
2//21 CBC over De Smet by 2

Here's the ref memo.... It ain't easy being a referee.

A few reminders for the end of the season and post-season play:

Coaching Box – This box extends from the 28 foot to the end line. During your pre-game with the coaches, indicate where the coaching starts and ends. If the coach is slightly out of the box …
· COACHING … walk the coach back into the box. Deal with this early in the game: bench warning. · ARGUING … call a direct technical foul. Housekeeping· Dress professionally and arrive early prior to tip. · Have a good pre/post game. · Call Joe Maurer immediately if there are any issues. Discussion Points: Uniforms – We have dealt with this all year. Do not let up now. Remember, a player may not play while wearing… · Home team wears WHITE - direct T to coach · mix-match colors on sleeves, headbands, wristbands, and tights · headbands with tail or knots (except prewrap small knot) · jewelry, · rolled shorts that with exposed logos or string and untucked shirts ·  Bodies of the Floor – Know how they got there. If there is a crash, there should probably be a whistle. Can a defender start to fall back before contact is made? YES! With that said, Ø in most cases when bodies hit the floor,we need a whistle. Is the defender in a legal guarding position? yes Player control or charge no Block.  Is the contact incidental? yes No whistle no Foul.  If It is a flop with contact, call a Block.  If there is no contact, the call should be a Technical foul, by rule (Be ready to explain to the coach- Rule 10, Section 4 (Player Technical) Article 6 (Unsporting Foul) letter f. (Faking being Fouled). Remember, if a coach comes out of the box, you may ask them, “What kind of time-out do you want?” Time-outs - Time-outs are not called, they are granted. Players and the head coach may ask for one, but only you may grant one. Be ready. · Recognize possession or time after a made basket · Identify the head coach Anticipate time-out situations: · Momentumshifts · Made basket near end of quarter · Potential held ball situations · Preventing violations (5 sec, 10 sec, shot clock, etc) · End of game situations Wait until ALL PLAYERS are at their benches before starting a time-out. This will lessen the likelihood of a delay at the end of the time-out. 10.6.12 Hand checking – Freedom of movement. We have done a much better job of enforcing the hand check rule on the perimeter and in the post. KEEP IT UP Advantage/disadvantage has no place here. What to look for with ball handlers: 1. One stayed hand 2. Two hands 3. Extended arm bar 4. Repeated jabs 5. Body bumping or ‘riding’ More Freedom of Movement - Now that we are calling more illegal screens on the offense and chucking of cutters by the defense the game is much better and has more flow. Let’s finish strongly. Screeners = must be stationery and stay within their frame. No wide stances or extended arms. Cutters =must be given room to stop or change direction. Signals – Use only approved NFHS signals. · Stop the clock every time. · Give a preliminary signal at the spot of the foul. · Get to the foul reporting box and report the foul (Color, Number, Infraction, Disposition).  · Use a whistle on every substitution. · Blow a whistle to end all quarters. Move to Improve – Try to get an open look every time. As T and C, be in a position to see between players. Obviously, if you see the back of a ball handler’s jersey, you need to move. Blarge! – Let’s avoid the BLARGE. While double whistles, especially in the lane, are common, the center and trail official must be patient. Stop the clock, but do not be in a hurry to give a preliminary signal. We all know that holding a preliminary is more difficult for the lead. Work as a good partner.  Awareness –We need to be spot on in the last minute of every quarter. Work to make sure that the clock started and stopped correctly. *Remember we can only change the clock if we have definite knowledge. Observers –This year there will be observers at selected games. Do not worry about them; just referee your game.  Intentional Fouls – Be alert for intentional or excessive contact. Excessive force is an intentional foul even if the defender gets a piece of the ball. Go to the victim! Situations: ü Chasing down a Break away ü Off ball foul of a poor free thrower ü Blowing up a visual screen ü Not playing the ball – grab or hug ü Grabbing a jersey in transition is an Intentional foul.  If you have a complicated play, technical foul(s), timing or scorebook issue, correctable error, etc…SLOW DOWN! Get with a partner and figure it out. TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS.  Management · Expect emotional responses to critical calls, but do not accept unsporting behavior from players or coaches. · Allow coach to have the last word. · If a coach has a question, answer it and move on. · Lend an ear and diffuse if possible. · Repeated whining and yelling must be addressed – then penalized. · The BENCH WARNING has been useful. · No warnings for taunting! · AUTOMATIC technical foul, if a coach… questions your integrity or waves you off or throws a clipboard or coat or tries to embarrass you. · Address coaches with respect. · Know when to smile and when to be firm. · You calling a Technical Foul when warranted should improve your game. · There are NO RATINGS here…do your job without fear of repercussion.  The Board will support us as long as we are following procedures, protocol, and Most Definitely RULES.

Enjoy the remainder of the season.  Keep your bags packed and in your vehicle.  The end of the season and post-season is a very critical time and Joe may contact anyone of us at a last minute due to illnesses or unforeseen circumstances.  You may need to be ready to step up to the plate without prior notification.  

Blarge definition:
Blarge.......which we say in the reffing game when on a drive to the bucket, the Lead official has a block and the Trail has a charge.  big problem.  you hope they both have the fist in the air to signal a foul but neither gives an indicator (hand behind head for player control, hands on hips for a block).  you hope you hear the other whistle, look at your partner.......hesitate a half sec and then yield the call to the official in whose primary area the play occurred.  if one ref signals block and the other signals charge..................guess what by rule you have to call?  yep, each player gets a foul.  a tough one to explain to a coach. 


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